For the installation you either need our CPO tutorial repository or you install CPO directly from our registry.
Exception: Installation via Operatorhub (Openshift only)
To get started, you can fork our tutorial repository on Github and then download it. CYBERTEC-operator-tutorials
git clone$GITHUB_USER/CYBERTEC-operator-tutorials.git
cd CYBERTEC-operator-tutorials
# kubectl
kubectl create namespace cpo
# oc
oc create namespace cpo
There are several ways to install CPO:
You can check and change the value.yaml of the helm diagram under the path helm/operator/values.yaml By default, the operator is defined so that it is configured via crd-configuration. If you wish, you can change this to configmap. There are also some other default settings.
helm install -n cpo cpo helm/operator/.
The installation uses a standard configuration. On the following page you will find more information on how to configure cpo and thus adapt it to your requirements.
The installation uses a standard configuration. On the following page you will find more information on how to configure cpo and thus adapt it to your requirements.
The installation uses a standard configuration. On the following page you will find more information on how to configure cpo and thus adapt it to your requirements.