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We can tell and document so much about our project but it seems you just want to get started. Let us show you the fastest way to use CPO.


  • git
  • helm (optional)
  • kubectl or oc

Let’s start

Step 1 - Preparations

To get started, you can fork our tutorial repository on Github and then download it. CYBERTEC-operator-tutorials

git clone$GITHUB_USER/CYBERTEC-operator-tutorials.git
cd CYBERTEC-operator-tutorials

Step 2 - Install the Operator

Two options are available for the installation:

  • Installation via Helm-Chart
  • Installation via apply

Installation via Helm-Chart

kubectl apply -k setup/namespace/.
helm install cpo setup/helm/operator/ -n cpo

Installation via apply

kubectl apply -k setup/namespace/.
kubectl apply -k setup/helm/operator/. -n cpo

You can check if the operator pod is in operation.

kubectl get pods -n cpo

The result should look like this:

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-operator-599688d948-fw8pw   1/1     Running   0          41s

The operator is ready and the setup is complete. The next step is the creation of a Postgres cluster

Step 3 - Create a Cluster

To create a simple cluster, the following command is sufficient

kubectl apply -k cluster-tutorials/single-cluster
watch kubectl get pods --selector cluster-name=cluster-1,application=spilo

The result should look like this:

Alle 2.0s: kubectl get pods --selector cluster-name=cluster-1,application=spilo                                                                                                               

NAME          READY   STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
cluster-1-0   2/2     Running           0          28s
cluster-1-1   0/2     PodInitializing   0          9s

Step 4 - Connect to the Database

Get your login information from the secret.

kubectl get secret -o jsonpath='{.data}' | jq '.|map_values(@base64d)'

The result should look like this:

  "password": "2rZG1Kx9asdHscswQGzff4Ru0xW6uasacy3GQ0sjdCH3wWr0kguUXUZek6dkemsf",
  "username": "postgres"

Connection via port-forward

port-forward acid-cluster-1-1 5432:5432
# using psql
PGPASSWORD=2rZG1Kx9asdHscswQGzffjdCH3wWr0kguUXUZek6dkemsf psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres

# using usql
PGPASSWORD=2rZG1Kx9asdHscswQGzffjdCH3wWr0kguUXUZek6dkemsf usql postgresql://postgres@

Next Steps

Congratulations, your first cluster is ready and you were able to connect to it. On the following pages we have put together an introduction with lots of information and details to show you the different possibilities and components of CPO.