View and apply multiple code transpilation recommendations
Assessment Report:
Generate a comprehensive PDF detailing the migration assessment
Stage Hooks:
Added pre-hooks for the structure, integrity and logic stages
Enhanced Sidebar:
Migratable database objects can now be renamed via the context menu
Informational tooltips are now available for all sidebar objects
Added support for viewing and editing table, column, and view comments
Bulk Migration Creation:
Allows manual initiation of bulk processing
Enhanced status table to display the progress of each creation process
Improved Installer:
Docker images now available for ARM architectures
Full compatibility with podman/podman-compose
Secure your instance with HTTP Basic Authentication (see FAQ)
Installing and updating the Migrator with the cybertec_migrator repository has been simplified
Resolved Bugs
Fixed incorrect migration of Oracle dates prior to the year 1000 during data transfer
Resolved error caused by negative Oracle dates during data transfer
Improved keyboard navigation on the dependency form to prevent occasional loss of focus
Resolved CVEs
CVE-2024-4067: micromatch (dependency of ts-jest for automated testing; not used in production)
CVE-2024-4068: braces (dependency of jest for automated testing; not used in production)
CVE-2024-43796: express (affects response.redirect() method, which is not in use)
CVE-2024-45296: path-to-regexp (dependency of express for HTTP request handling; potential for denial of service)
CVE-2024-45590: body-parser(dependency of express for HTTP request handling; potential for denial of service)
CVE-2024-47764: cookie (dependency of express for HTTP request handling; allows OOB characters in cookies; no vulnerability, as cookie content is always sanitized inside application)
GHSA-593m-55hh-j8gv: @sentry/browser (dependency of @stoplight/json-schema-viewer for displaying the JSON upload structure; non-critical, only used in frontend)
Upgraded to Node 20
Replace the abandoned node-libpq (native libpq bindings) with node-postgres (pure JavaScript), resolving occasional unexplained bugs
Updated the GUI container’s base image from nginx to nginx-unprivileged, with optional HTTP Basic Authentication added