Migration overview: View the assessed migration effort for each migration alongside performance improvements
Bulk migration creation: Rapidly create a multitude of migrations
Example JSON:
{ "migrations": [ { "name": "Migration", "description": "An optional description", "source": { "connection_string": "oracle://localhost:1521/pdb1", "username": "system", "password": "oracle" }, "target": { "connection_string": "postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres", "username": "postgres", "password": "postgres" }, "schema_selection": ["TOOLS", "ONLINE_STORE"] } ] }
Data transfer prioritization: Customize the order in which tables are transferred
Custom SCN: Force the migrator to use a fixed SCN for the data stage
- Removed upper limit when generating table chunks
- Removed deprecated C data migrator (and the correlating
environment variable).