Several improvements in the execution of a migration:
Swap execution order of Integrity and Logic stage.
Having indices in the Logic stage makes it easier to test performance of views, stored procedures and triggers.
Move creation of check constraints from Logic into Structure stage.
Checking the data during the data bulk load is negligible compared to the time needed to re-read the table from disk in the Logic stage.
As a consequence, functions are created in the Structure stage prior to tables, since they may be used by check constraints.
The Logic stage re-creates the functions once again still providing the means for fast change-test round-trips.
The Migration Overview was updated to reflect the changes in the migration execution:
It is visible in which order the database objects are created: first schemas, then user defined types, followed by sequences, etc.
Provide drill down on Indices entry to show the number of unique indices. We will enrich the Migration Overview with additional information in future releases.
Enhance migration configuration:
Constraint Renaming Rename constraints in case there are naming collisions with other database objects.
Show implicitly created indices in the sidebar and the Indices view. In our example, dept_id_pk is shown in the Constraints as well as the Indices section.
A hyperlink in the Indices view facilitates navigation to the constraint.
Rename implicitly created indices by renaming its constraint.
Log view shows detailed information about the started migration job:
Improve Sidebar:
Object Type Filter: add option for User Defined Types (UDT).
Resolved Bugs
Cloning a migration fails due to missing database object in the source database (dropped or renamed table, dropped column, etc.)
Integrity stage ERROR: timeout exceeded when trying to connect
Integrity stage keeps processing workers after an error even with enabled “Abort stage on first error”
Resume of an aborted job fails when the Migrator core was forcefully shut down
Core dump due to repeated, large error message (warn: Unable to process subpartition ... table not found)
Functional index with an expression containing a number was not migrated
Overview page does now show 0 database links, synonyms, packages